Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) aims to support residency programs with teaching QIPS through a standardized curriculum and resources.

Who is the program for?

The curriculum and teaching resources are for residency programs to teach residents about QIPS.

What is the goal of the program?

The goal of QIPS is to provide a standardized curriculum and resources to residency programs.

What is the structure of the program?

The QIPS curriculum consists of two main topics areas:
Patient Safety  

  • An Introduction to Patient Safety primer for residents
  • Synchronous topics on systems thinking and human factors; safe and just culture; and responding to incidents

Quality Improvement

  • Synchronous topics on the fundamentals of QI
  • Quality Improvement Project Guide for residents (a road map through a quality improvement project)

What supports will the residency program receive?

Residency programs will have access to PowerPoints and facilitation guides to deliver each topic. They will also have access to an Introduction to Patient Safety primer and a Quality Improvement Project Guide that residents can use to support a QI project. Additionally, they can consult with the QIPS Project Lead (Dr. Esther Lee please click the following link to email her: Esther.Lee@cw.bc.ca) to plan their session and program. 

For more details, visit https://postgrad.med.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/quality-improvement-and-patient-safety-qips/ 



For more information about the QIPS program, visit https://postgrad.med.ubc.ca/faculty-staff/quality-improvement-and-patient-safety-qips/

Or contact QIPS Faculty Lead, Dr. Esther Lee. Email her using the following link: Esther.Lee@cw.bc.ca