Program & Site Directors Resources
Explore resources to support Program and Site Directors in the Postgraduate Medical Education program at the University of British Columbia.
Residency Program Leaders’ Hive
This initiative by PGME and Faculty Development aims to bring leaders of residency programs together to learn about common topics. Each session has dedicated facilitator to give a short presentation on a topic followed by a group discussion.
All Program Directors, Associate Program Directors and Site Directors are invited to join these sessions.
Please note that session recordings are not distributed due to the sensitive nature of the conversations. Only those who were invited but could not attend will be provided access.
EDI – March 6, 2025
Residents in Difficulty – May 8, 2025
For questions about the session, registration, or about the Residency Program Leaders Hive, please contact
Inclusive Residency Selection

Inclusive & Equitable Decision Making in PGME Selection
The new module ‘Inclusive & Equitable Decision Making in PGME Selection’ has been created by the Office of Faculty Development and the Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI). This module has been devised with relevance to the resident selection process in mind, and is highly recommended to all UBC faculty, residents and staff.
All members of PGME selections committee must complete an implicit bias training module within two years of participating in resident selection activities. Each program is to ensure that all committee members, file reviewers, and interview panelists have complied with this.
Do the module Inclusive & Equitable Decision Making in PGME Selection
Teaching Support

Learning Environment Modules
The Office of Faculty Development and Post Graduate Medical Education Program have developed modules to support programs in exploring common learning environment scenarios based on resident feedback.
There are three modules:
- Topic 1: Gender Bias in the Learning Environment
- Topic 2: Residents & Nurses: Communication and Collaboration
- Topic 3: From Learner to Practitioner: Managing the Transition and Thriving in Residency and Beyond

Optimizing the Learning Environment
Discover tools and materials to support your efforts in optimizing the learning environment. This page has resources for creating inclusive learning environments as well as guidance on helping learners in need of support.
The resources apply to teaching both students and residents, unless a particular audience is specified.
Quick Tips for Teaching
These quick resources are designed to be accessed in the clinic, and completed in just 3-5 minutes. Topics include:
- Welcoming a Learner to Your Practice
- Creating Goals with Your Learner
- Direct Observation
- RIME – Reporter, Investigator, Manager, Educator
Residency Program Resources

Residents and Teachers (RaT)
RaT is a compilation of resources and supports for residency programs and faculty to use to help residents to become effective teachers. The goal of RaT is to support residency programs to implement a curriculum to equip residents with the basic knowledge and skills to teach effectively.
Residency programs will have access to PowerPoints and facilitator guides to deliver each topic. They will also be able to consult with faculty development experts to plan their session or program.

Competency Based Medical Education (CBME)
Competency-Based Medical Education (CBME) is an approach to physician development that focuses on the process and outcomes of training, and makes the achievement of competencies more visible and measurable.
Faculty can receive MOC credits for completing the “Competency by Design (CBD): Resident Training and Assessment” module. The completion certificate survey is embedded within the module.
Learn more about CBME and take the “Resident Training and Assessment” module.

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS)
Providing training in quality improvement and patient safety (QIPS) is an important consideration for all of our residency programs. This page provides a foundational QIPS curriculum to supplement what already exists and for the curriculum to be integrated into each residency program at UBC as needed.
Learn more about the Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) curriculum.
Program and Site Directors Orientation
Guide for Program Directors
This resource provides PDs with information specific to directing a residency program at UBC. This guide covers:
- Program and Site Directors Orientation Workshop
- Administrative Information
- Supporting Residents in Difficulty
- Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
- Curriculum Design
This is not a comprehensive guide to the PD role. It is a general guide addressing key topics and is not specialty specific. Many subjects that are not covered here are thoroughly covered on the PGME website.
Bi-Annual PGME Workshops
This initiative aims to bring program directors together to learn about common topics. Each session has dedicated facilitator to give a short presentation on a topic followed by a group discussion.
All Program Directors, Associate Program Directors and Site Directors are invited to join these sessions.
Please note that session recordings are not distributed due to the sensitive nature of the conversations. Only those who were invited but could not attend will be provided access.
Psychological Safety – November 24, 2024
For questions about the session, registration, or about the Program Directors’ Workshops, please contact
Do you have questions? Is there a topic that is relevant to Program Directors that you’d like to see covered? Please contact us at