Faculty Development Programs

Faculty Development offers programs that support the development of faculty and resident teaching skills and creates opportunities for connection with peers.

R&R Series – Research and Reflections on Teaching

This series will feature topics applicable to all faculty who teach in the MD Undergraduate Program, Postgraduate Medical Education, and Health Professional Programs. These sessions will be:


    •  Cross cutting – Selected to be broadly useful for clinical faculty, academic faculty, front-line teachers and educational leads
    • Current – Emerging and relevant topics that can impact your teaching right now
    • Curated – Chosen from faculty feedback to specifically target teaching in these areas
    • Multi-perspective – Invited speaker(s) to introduce the latest research and a panel discussion to lead reflection on current and future teaching practice

Audience: Faculty who teach in the medical and health professional programs. 

Format: Virtual and hybrid sessions. 

Residents as Teachers (RaT)

Residents as Teachers Logo

A multi-faceted curriculum including online modules and workshops offered centrally through the Office of Faculty Development, as well as locally through departments designed to support residents in their teaching. The goal of RaT is to support residency programs to implement a curriculum to equip residents with the basic knowledge and skills to teach effectively. 

The RaT program consists of the mandatory Fundamentals Modules 1 & 2 and the Certificate Program, which explores additional teaching topics delivered in 90m sessions.

Audience: Program Directors and Residents in Postgraduate Medical Education.

Format: Online modules, virtual sessions and PowerPoint slides.

Peer to Peer

The Peer to Peer Program is a multi-session series on core educational topics offered in an interactive and interprofessional small group context. The program brings together clinical teachers with different professional backgrounds to learn with, from, and about each other.

The sessions are held over the course of a year, with each session lasting approximately 1.5 hours. Each member of the small group leads one subsequent session, using interactive strategies to deliver a topic of their choice from a selection of core educational topics. The participants receive feedback and practice providing constructive feedback. Participants are supported in preparing their session.

Audience: Faculty who teach in the medical and health professional programs. 

Format: Small group sessions. 

Quality Improvement for Patient Safety (QIPS)

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (QIPS) aims to support residency programs with teaching QIPS through a standardized curriculum and resources.

The QIPS curriculum consists of two main topics areas, patient safety and quality improvement. Patient Safety consists of an Introduction to Patient Safety primer for residents and synchronous topics on systems thinking and human factors; safe and just culture; and responding to incidents. Quality Improvement consists of synchronous topics on the fundamentals of QI and a Quality Improvement Project Guide for residents.

Audience: Program Directors and Residents in Postgraduate Medical Education. 

Format: Online module and PowerPoint slides. 

A Day in the Life of a Preceptor

This program has been designed for family physicians to recognize and support their contribution to the UBC medical school. This is a novel program that has been developed by family physicians, for family physicians. It is structured around how teaching is typically sequenced in a community-based office. All family physicians who teach UBC medical students are eligible. 

There are five topics and each topic begins with a Live Virtual Meeting with real-time interaction between program facilitators and participants. This is followed by a self-paced e-learning module and small group case-based learning.

Audience: Clinical teachers of MD Undergraduate Students in Family Medicine. 

Format: Online modules, virtual sessions and small group case-based learnering.  

Teacher Certificate Program 1 & 2 

The program aims to equip teachers in medical education with the basic knowledge and skills to teach effectively.

Each track (TCP 1 & TCP 2) consists of five sessions on topics delivered by experts. Each session is delivered on Zoom from 5:30PM – 7:00PM. When you have completed all five sessions in a series, a completion certificate will be issued. 

    • TCP 1: Focus on Foundational Teaching is designed to cover core teaching and assessment competencies for those who teach in the MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP). This certificate is eligible for CME credits.
    • TCP 2: Focus on Career Planning & Wellness is designed with attention to the career and personal growth of clinical faculty in the MDUP. Updated with new topics this year! Some topics are eligible for CME credits.

The two programs are entirely separate, with no prerequisites, and can be completed in any order.

Audience: Faculty who teach in the MD Undergraduate program. 

Format: Virtual sessions.