Years 3 & 4 Resources for Clinical Faculty and Residents
This page provides a comprehensive list of curriculum and assessment resources for Year 3 and Year 4 Clinical Preceptors including Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) Orientation, Clinical Procedures and Patient Encounters, and samples of End of Rotation (EOR), Clinical Performance Review (CPR) and End of Elective (EOE) forms.
Years 3 and 4 Assessment Training

Years 3 & 4 Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) Orientation Module
This module will provide an overview of Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) in Years 3 & 4 of the MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP). It provides an overview of programmatic assessment modalities used in the MDUP Program and then looks at specific aspects of WBA and completing Direct Observations forms.
Year 3 Clerkship Resources
Year 3 Clerkships can be rotational, an Integrated Community Clerkship (ICC) or a Northern and Rural Integrated Clerkship (NRIC). The following resources are applicable to all Clerkships.
Year 3 – MEDD 431 Clerkship Syllabus
The purpose of this syllabus is to provide students and their clinical teachers an overview of the various clinical objectives of students’ daily clinical work during their Clerkship year. It also provides a brief outline of the assessment requirements of Clerkship along with a list of required and recommended readings.
Year 3 Assessment Package
This package contains a comprehensive breakdown of UBC MDUP assessment modalities, assessment schedules, and requirements to pass assessment modalities. There is also a reference guide for WBA, logging of Patient Encounters and Clinical Procedures, and End of Rotation Assessments (Rotational) and Clinical Performance Reviews (ICC).
Year 4 Elective Resources
Year 4 – MEDD 440 Elective Syllabus
The purpose of this syllabus is to provide students and their clinical teachers an overview of the various clinical objectives of students’ daily clinical work during their Senior Elective of year 4. It also provides a brief outline of the assessment requirements necessary to pass MEDD 440 along with information pertaining to the delivery of the course.
Year 4 Assessment Package
This package contains a comprehensive breakdown of UBC MDUP assessment modalities, assessment schedules, and requirements to pass assessment modalities. There is also detailed information about assessment in MEDD 440, MEDD 448 and MEDD 449.
Year 3 Clinical Procedures and Patient Encounters
All Mandatory Clinical Procedures (Must DO) and Patient Encounters (Must SEE)
Clinical Procedure/Patient Encounter Logging has been identified for each discipline and every attempt should be made for students to meet these objectives. As students in this rotation work closely with, and are taught by, preceptors, it is important that you are aware of the objectives they are required to achieve in this rotation. Please strive to support students to complete these mandatory clinical experiences.
NOTE: In the ICC and NRIC, logging will be reviewed as part of a Clinical Performance Review (CPR) every 6 weeks.
Discipline-specific Year 3 Clinical Procedures and Patient Encounters
Sample Forms and Guidelines for Clinical Preceptors
Year 3 End of Rotation Assessment form – SAMPLE
This form is completed by the designated Supervisor, Primary Preceptor, Discipline-Specific Site Leader (DSSL) or Clerkship Director at the end of the rotation.
ICC Clinical Peformance Review from – SAMPLE
This form is completed by the ICC Site Director (ICC) or Rural Regional Site Lead (NRIC) every 6 weeks. This is an opportunity for an overall check-in on student performance.
Year 4 End of Elective Assessment form – SAMPLE
This form is completed by the designated Supervisor, Primary Preceptor, Discipline-Specific Site Leader (DSSL) or Elective Director at the end of the rotation.
Guidelines for UBC Clinical Faculty Completing End of Rotation Evaluations to inlcude comments for the Medical Student Performance Record (MSPR)
The EoR has been changed to allow for separation of the formative comments as guidance for student improvement from summative comments that will become a part of the students’ MSPR for CaRMS residency applications. The purpose of the MSPR Summative Comments is to highlight the unique qualities of the learner. The purpose of this document is to help support clinical faculty in this process. We advise that faculty choose MSPR comments that distinguish this student from others, keeping in mind that these comments will be used externally.
Additional Resources
Medical Student Duty Hours & Important Dates
This document outlines UBC’s Undergraduate Medical Education Program’s policy on medical students’ clinical duty hours as well as highlights call protected dates, timeline of important events, and other dates students may not be in clinic.
What Clinical Supervisors and Preceptors Need to Know: Expectations for Supporting Students in Clinical Settings
This document outlines key responsibilities of clinical supervisors to support students’ educational program goals and match medical students with clinical responsibilities at their level (with gradually increasing responsibilities).