The following videos capture presentations made during the Program and Site Directors Orientation sessions held in the fall of 2021. The videos contain a wealth of knowledge that is extremely valuable to you in your role as a Program Director.
Program and Site Directors Orientation Session Part 1 - October 21, 2021
Session 1
Welcome and Orientation with Dr. Ravi Sidhu
PGME Wellness Supports
with Dr. Sonia Butterworth
Finance Overview and Collective Agreement with
Dr. Ravi Sidhu and Melanie Pedersen
PGME Accreditation with Dr. David Dix
The Program Administrator's Role
with Eleni Tsakumis
Question and Discussion Session
Program and Site Directors Orientation Session Part 2 - November 25, 2021
Session 2
Welcome and Orientation with Dr. Ravi Sidhu
Resources Review with Melanie Pedersen
Resident Assessment, Competency and Oversight Committees
with Dr. Sonia Butterworth
PGME Accreditation Pearls and Pitfalls
with Dr. David Dix
CaRMS: Processes and Timelines
with Rob Brackenbury
Advice to Peers - A Program Director's Perspective
with Dr. Mark MacKenzie